Due to a high volume of orders in peak season, please allow extra time for order processing and delivery. Inclement weather may increase shipping times during winter season. 

Free Packet Ideas

free-stuffPackets Coming Out Your Ears?

Let’s say you’ve been to an expo or two lately, and you’ve found yourself with a significant quantity of packets that were given to you free of charge. As a business owner, you certainly want to take advantage of these gifts and turn them into pure profit. Your Four Seasons Sales Team has come to your aid!

We have put our heads together to bring you a list of ideas on how to utilize those free packets and turn them into profit. In some cases, you can even bring in new customers that will increase your revenue long-term. Happy Selling!

Free Packet Ideas:

  • Give customers a free packet of a product they wish to try before they buy the bottle.
  • If a customer purchases a $40.00+ bottle of lotion, give them a free packet of another that they might want to try as well- aim for an up-sell.
  • If customers purchase an upgrade to next bed level, give them a free packet as a reward.
    Ideally an up-sell from their current lotion of choice.
  • Create a back to school display of bath and body products, SPF and add-on items.

Create gift bags with a $5 gift card, lip balm, disposable eyewear and a free sample packet.
When you purchase any item from the display you get the ‘gift bag’ for free.

  • Looking for a nice welcome back to school gift for the teacher?
    Purchase a $25 gift card and get $10 and a free packet for yourself.
  • Think like Sephora- they give free samples with every purchase. The more a customer buys, the more free samples they get.
    Make some exclusive bag deals that contain multiple products at a target price that's more than your normal customers usually spend.
    Include several packets in those bag deals to make buying the bag an even better deal!
  • 5 packets for $25
  • 3 free samples with purchase of $20+ moisturizer
  • 5 free with a purchase or $50 or more
  • If a customer purchases a packet, let them turn in the empty packet and get that much off the bottle of the same product.
  • All new customers receive a free packet. Make sure they know the importance of tanning with a lotion!
  • 5 O’clock Somewhere promo: Put your name in a bucket every time you tan during the week, drawing to be every Friday at 5pm for a free tan or packet of their choice.
  • $1 packets on Sundays – Sundays are typically the slowest day of the week, this can help bring people in
  • Feature a “Product of the Week” and sell those packets for $2

If the customer purchases the bottle, they get a free upgrade to any bed.

Be sure to grab a fact sheet & have your employees memorize 3 key features/benefits to talk about the featured product. Even open up a packet and apply a little bit on each customer’s hand so they can experience it.

  • Use free packets as Thank You gifts for loyal customers
  • If the customer tans during their birth month, give them a free packet and an upgrade
  • Create a bundle with a couple packets and a full-size moisturizer. Sell raffle tickets for a local charity
  • Give a few free packets with every gift card sold.
  • Visit local businesses and offer a Free Session card with a packet attached to it to be used as a reward for that business’s employees. This creates free rewards for those employers and helps bring in new traffic to the salon.
  • Buy 1 packet, get second packet for $1 of equal/lesser value.  Buy any packet over $6-$10, get a free upgrade
  • Use to increase traffic flow on social media:

Create fun and exciting promotions, games or contests via social media accounts and use the free packets as rewards or prizes for those who participated.

  • Use to update your customer data base:

Every year your salon should be updating customer profiles in the salon’s computer system because people’s information and email addresses constantly change. Delegate 1 month a year to focus 110% on updating that information and during that month offer a free gift (free lotion packet) to every customer who verifies their client profile.

  • Use as a reward for a charitable promotion:

Create some type of campaign for whatever charitable group you want (supporting the troops, homeless shelter, food bank, humane society, school supply drive, etc)

Assign points to the items you are collecting- for every item a customer brings in, add up the assigned points. Then the customer can redeem those points for a free tan, upgrades and lotion packets.

  • Hold a monthly drawing for a bucket of packets
  • 3 Packets with a tan extender purchase
  • Have an “assorted” jar display all packets only $4.99 each


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